Joined: Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:15 am Posts: 269 Location: Up down and all around
Redcell name: Sonsi Soldier Name: Strahafeh Steam: asurgin
Redcell name: Aven ingame name: Av3n steam: rcaven
Redcell name: Blackhawk ingame name: Bl4ckHawk steam: pulsevenga
Redcell name: Myst ingame: myst_exodus steam: exodus147852369
Redcell name: Thunder ingame: Pwnt. steam: alexuppsala
Redcell name: Abra ingame: Abra steam: Uomopazo
Redcell name: Theory soldier name:Theory16 steam:theory14
Redcell name: Greenbolab Soldier Name: GrnBlb Steam: greenbolab
Redcell name: Graphit soldier name: Gr4phit steam: Ewkuki
Redcell name: Bladestorm Soldier name: Bladestorm18 Steam:
Redcell name: Struyk Soldier name: Struyk Steam:
Clan tag: rcG'

ツ Mr.Nokill says (15:54): and i said abra has a small willy not you