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 Post subject: READ BEFORE POSTING - Rules
PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:15 pm 
Division Commander
Division Commander
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Joined: Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:35 pm
Posts: 950
1 ) Respect all members of RedCell, no matter which division they are in.

2 ) Please refrain from cussing.

3 ) Racial slurs and other derogatory discriminating remarks will not be tolerated.

4 ) Be a good sport. Don't get mad when the other team wins

5 ) Don't complain about noobs, ganging etc. That makes us look like a bunch of babies.

6 ) Don't be cocky. That really makes us look bad (especially if you lose).

7 ) Don't spam. It's okay to have a spam key, but pressing it constantly and filling up the whole screen is a big NO NO!

8 ) Cheating/Mods/Hacks will not be tolerated during matches. Usage of Mods or other Hacks may be used on your own time though.

9 ) Don't enter any other clans' TeamSpeak/Ventrilo unless invited by a member of that clan. Once you are there do not start arguments, conflicts, or anything else, you are a guest on their server.

10 ) Do not act in such way as to deceive or exploit the infrastructure of the clan and its members.

11 ) We do not tolerate and neither accept any kind of trolling and ragequitting ingame, it is just pointless and damages the general image of RedCell as a Clan.

12 ) If you are a member of or are applying for RedCell, you must not simultaneously be a member of another clan or team for the game that you are a member of or are applying for.

Deluxe wrote:
You always have a special place in my heart my #Löwenherz#Tommyboy#IrishMentalist <3!

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