Well, I'm not really sure what to say. The MotR forums have been going on and off recently, and I suppose this may hopefully be the proper place to put this.
I, Arc Alpha X, HunterX, Hunter, The Teddy Bear, Panda, or whatever else I am known by, was in MotR for a good long 2 1/2 years. I was not there to witness the first big change in command structure, but I was there to witness those that would come.
I remember when I first began playing Tourneys at Ecliptical Realms, man, I was going nuts trying to figure out why I couldn't kill Remo and others. Those were the times, when the RC community was at the peak of it's gameplayability. I assume you guys remember characters such as BloodyMary, Scarecrow, Padawannabe, Avorzik, Marche, Bill, Falcon, and etc. It was people like them who made me want to be a Mercenary of the Republic, people who kept the fun goin ya know?
Although MotR was my second home, it was byfar the longest place I've stayed in. In the recent year that has come and gone, the RC Division of MotR slowly began dwindling to the point where only few frequently played the game, not including myself.
If I remember correctly, MotR and RedCell have a long history of rivalry, no? Back before FS, 7DS, Reign, TAG, TBS, SR, and so on. Back when the big three dominated Republic Commando: MotR, RedCell, and DS.
Though there was no official announcement of the Division's downfall, I believe it is time the name was put to rest for the time being. There should be more said, but, this is RedCell's forum.
Forever Omega, Forever Mercenaries, {MotR}Hunter{OmCom}
Feel free to voice opinions, but if you've got anything nasty to say, please keep it to yourself.
_________________ They call me the Panda.