Habbe wrote:
tell meh what to do
Nice sig; brilliant idea.
You did well with the flow, and you chose an interesting stock to work with; I like how it changes colour.
Blending is overall good but caould be touched up. There is a bit more splatter on the right than on the left, and I don't think the splatter should go that far down his arm.
The lines are a great idea and executed well. The thickness of them where they cross his arms is possibly a bit too much, and imo they are a bit too bright. Otherwise, that's really the key element to the sig; if they weren't there, it wouldn't have been nearly as good.
Because you have such a light background to the right, it's hard to get some decent lighting in. Try extending the grey bg (clone tool will do) so that it covers his head, then add some 300px 100% soft white brushing from the top.
Colouring -- this sig would've been far better with colours. Imo, the execution of the b/w is quite bad, and it really detracts from the depth, which otherwise would've been quite easy, considering the stock. You have too much gray and not enough black. Add some brightness/contrast adjustment layers, play around with the levels and curves to make it more interesting.
Otherwise, there isn't much to say -- the pistol he is firing looks like crap; there is some random line close to his head pointing diagonally upwards; and there are some unneeded lines at the very left -- but apart from that, well done.