RedCell Forum

Red Cell Map(Red Alert)
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Author:  Patrick [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Red Cell Map(Red Alert)

I found the file for it. And yes if you shoot the wall near the red teams flag it opens a hidden door on the other side. But you need two people to get passed a booby trap in order to get to the room.

Author:  Predator [ Sun Feb 28, 2016 1:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Red Cell Map(Red Alert)

So found the room with the "piesaber" but is that it or is taking it causing the booby trap? Cause don't get what you mean with needing two people.

Edit: Seems that we are missing the texture files for it. And the newer version we have have some images replaced.

Author:  Patrick [ Sun Apr 24, 2016 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Red Cell Map(Red Alert)

Predator wrote:
So found the room with the "piesaber" but is that it or is taking it causing the booby trap? Cause don't get what you mean with needing two people.

Edit: Seems that we are missing the texture files for it. And the newer version we have have some images replaced.

Hmm, it's interesting you say textures and all are missing. How can you tell? Just using the Unreal Editor?

What used to happen was one person would stay in the little vent right before the Pie Room and the other person would take the saber. The one person would die but the ceiling would go back up and you could go further into the room into another room. The room was square and had pictures of all the big RedCell members at the time Niner, Hunter, me, Andrew, Nokill etc. I commissioned Sulfied_shrike to make this map years and years ago, maybe he made a public one for people and only gave RedCell the link for the private one. But I have no idea.

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