Apparently a lot of u.s are toggeling and obviously euros ZB, most of em do. Anyone who CV's is stupid because its not even an advantage it doesnt help at all unless the other player is retarded at dodging. The Tag Client mod literally has 0 advantages except the fact there is only 1 zoom. I dont use the mod becuz i think it is stupid.
The point is, I don't know very many people who doesn't do something that is considered noob. All of you guys have even gotten me to zb a few times in the past weeks out of annoyance xD. I have yet to go through a scrim without being nade spammed multiple times, zb'd and all the other nonsense.
What I am getting at is, face it, people are doing this crap. Just be better and pwn them while they do it. If you can't, you might as well retire because people in this community are something else. Just enjoy the game ffs xD
StatusQ3 wrote:
That's exactly my point. I don't need to know you personally in order to vote yes or no; indeed I don't know most applicants personally.