Lionheart wrote:
It already happened, I mean the 6 of us play actively. To be quite honest I don't think that any COD game is capable of being a new game for a main division. As far as I have talked to the current members, we agreed that the COD one might remain as a site division and will move to each new COD released.
Sounds gewd to me. yeah i rly don't think anyone will want to pay 60 bucks for BOII (at least anyone in their right mind). But it is a good idea for a side division. Lookin forward to playing BOII. May I ask, what are we looking for in the terms of game type (FPS, MMO, RPG, ETC.) and also what are we looking for? (Fantasy, War, ETC) I might be able to figure something out from that point.
Stop. You need to stop taking on all this shit Cyclone. Focus on one god damn game. You are applying to 50 different sections in this clan and can't even play CoD4 actively. You aren't great at CoD4 and you hardly play that. You need to focus on one game and become great at it before you try and start up a new game. Im pretty active as of right now, and I am either playing CoD4 or BO1. I ask to play with you and you are either playing a different game or not available.
Just chill out.