Virus wrote:
miner told us, he put a amd stock cooler on a 775 socket and he told us, that his cpu fan has 5000rpm...
i said, thats impossible, but you said: oh oh, thats normal...
I said that's simply possible, esspecially with old fans. They usually run with like 5000 RPM (which is pretty noisy).
Virus wrote:
and you want to tell me, that i have no clue about hardware, only because i prefer the G15 and would never buy SLI/CF ? only because i think, and thats true, that the money for this 20 fps, is not good invested...and amd has the worst drivers and nvidia is paying more to game companies, that they optiize their games for nvidia gfx...
You still do missunderstand me. I didn't say you have no clue about hardware, in my oppinion your knowledge is just cursorily. And that's why I don't recommend you to argue with people who do know more about those things.
Virus wrote:
now, pls go to your forum and lass dort deinen kleinen ali aus hose raushängen
RedCell was always a public forum where everyone can post his personal oppinion. We are not in Nazi-Germany where true and false things were dictated. If you can't deal with that fact, just shut up and go away.
Virus wrote:
raping is more fun than pwning
How is this stupid sentence connected with our discussion above? Go away little kid...