Tough wrote:
Lion, I seriously am getting irritated by your constant no votes for downside skill in your eyes. There's some lower level players in RC who've made it, who've you voted for, how is he different? He has a great attitude, a constant bright side in activity, and he's a great guy!
But don't use my word for it, I just oversee lion's NoVotes.
Those players have convinced me with some values I apreciate way more than skill, including kindness and an actual will to improve. Also I have seen a future for them being a part of RedCell, including that they blend in here with some little work and now Capgun.. please back off. It is nothing but a bad joke that some random guy, who has never ever nearly reached possibly anything in this game / any clan, trying to tell me how my voting seems to confuse his little (12-year old) brain.
Tough wrote:
Don't run, keep your head held high, Kain. I understand its tough because some recruiters are hard on you, but you have a chance, keep at it. Don't go down the road to denials, you already have 2 votes, don't end it now man!
Listen to the man! He knows the drill, I mean he had 23234234234234 apps already!
Kain if you feel like you're different to our members and therefore not belong here I will respect your decision. I do somehow agree with your statement and therfore I respect your decision. Still I will leave this open, in case you change your mind and want to prove me wrong
Best of luck in your future man.