StatusQ3 wrote:
If you can figure out a way to
force people to download the maps, then this would be a great idea, but I don't really believe in the competence of people who have played this game 4-5 years and still use AAs and rockets in pubs to go to a website, download a custom map and install it
I recently updated
this thread, which has working links now for the first time in several years.... Maybe you can find something of interest there?
There is a way for FORCE people to download the maps. For the noobs, it's either go download the maps or play in a non-participating euro server with lag. This is why i wanted to get EVERY American server we can to display the links to the maps. This would extend the map lists because people will want to play in the less laggy servers, so they will download the maps.
I talked to a TX member, and they may have interest in this in order to get people to download their map packs. If the huge amount of TX servers is hosting modded maps as well, there are very few options for servers. The more maps we can spread throughout the ENTIRE community, the more they will come to be everyday maps.