I got my own from "a secret source"
Conversation started between -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt} and nokill: Sun, Sep 21 10:42:57 2008
[10:42] nokill: I feel some hate building up... hmmm
[10:43] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Building up where?
[10:43] nokill: forum
[10:43] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Or, why, I suppose, may be the question
[10:43] nokill: cus i read things
[10:44] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Me and Vanity, you mean?
[10:44] nokill: bingo
[10:45] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Hes an idiot =] My intelict obliges me to insult him
[10:45] nokill: you where rather short in insulting him
[10:46] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: You rather I was more thorough?
[10:46] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: lawl, love the incouragement.
[10:46] nokill: ending whit bye means your running away
[10:47] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Well then he ran away first
[10:47] nokill: bah these blasted 7ds crap is dripping onto everything
[10:48] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Is 7ds even alive still? ..<
[10:48] nokill: no
[10:48] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Then who cares?
[10:48] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: lol
[10:49] nokill: my mom cares she won't leave me alone on it
[10:49] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: That would be one of the essential people who would care.
[10:49] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: :P
[10:51] nokill: well at least you didn't compliment me like all the other tarts are
[10:52] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Do something great and the world will speak for you.
[10:53] nokill: I hope not
[10:53] nokill: if the world would speak for me ppl would think i'm an idiot
[10:53] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Why?
[10:54] nokill: because people are idiots!
[10:56] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: True that
[10:57] nokill: there is only one question i have for you
[10:57] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Go for it, I guess.
[10:58] nokill: Ok you are either a girl or you are a boy that likes girls so much he pretends to be one using girly sigs and names
[10:59] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: I am a girl
[11:00] nokill: hmmm but nobody can confirm this
[11:02] nokill: Van¡ty is onto you!
[11:02] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: On to me...
[11:02] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Being a girl?
[11:03] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Im kinda telling everyone that, so I would hope so.
[11:03] nokill: no that your posting on his app
[11:06] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Why does that have to do anything?
[11:08] nokill: well i'm waiting for a flame war
[11:08] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Bets on me?
[11:08] nokill: no i bet on myself
[11:09] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Way to be True Neutral
[11:10] nokill: I'm more like the guy that waits till the ppl are all dead and then stabs the last one in the back
[11:10] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Which is more or less like True Neutral
[11:11] nokill: no its being an true ass
[11:12] nokill: and send a pic
[11:13] nokill: I wanna see if you can be a nominee for the hottest chick in redcell award
[11:13] nokill: first prize in a face lift!
[11:13] nokill: is*
[11:13] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: I would
[11:13] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: :P
[11:14] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: But I dont want/need a face lift
[11:14] nokill: put it on e-bay
[11:14] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: No thanks
[11:14] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: :P
[11:14] nokill: you must be really ugly then...
[11:18] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Nah. Just dont like being soliicited.
[11:19] nokill: hard words again
[11:19] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Oops
[11:19] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: ;P
[11:19] nokill: send!
[11:20] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Noes!
[11:20] nokill: your an idiot you got something i want and your not abusing the situation
[17:03] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Get it yet?
Conversation ended: Sat, Sep 27 17:05:34 2008
Conversation started between -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt} and nokill: Sat, Sep 27 17:07:49 2008
[17:07] nokill: no
[17:08] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Didnt think so
[17:08] nokill: how come?
[17:08] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Cuz the government created me
[17:08] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: SO I dont technically have a mother
[17:08] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: :P
[17:08] nokill: yes you do
[17:08] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: I know
[17:09] nokill: they don't make eggs pop up just like that
[17:09] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: They could though
[17:09] nokill: yes but thats a waste of all the ones already in the trash can
[17:09] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: True
[17:10] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: What if they wanted me to be genetically better than everyone else though
[17:10] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: And they decided to use alien genes from Roswell
[17:11] nokill: now why would they want to do that?
[17:11] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: So I can coeffeciently kill..ahem, exterminate people easier
[17:11] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Im, what they call, a licensed troubleshooter
[17:11] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: =D
[17:11] nokill: trouble maker or shooter...
[17:11] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Depends on the...uh
[17:11] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: assignment
[17:12] nokill: so if i got a pc and its not working like it should your a trouble shooter ;)
[17:12] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Nope
[17:12] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: If your using your pc to look at naughty stuff
[17:12] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: or do naughty stuff
[17:12] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: im a troubleshooter to take you out
[17:12] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: =]
[17:13] nokill: thats more a trouble maker to me + whats wrong with nauthy stuff?
[17:13] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Absolutely nothing
[17:13] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Just sometimes it makes other naughty people angry
[17:14] nokill: if thay don't share they get angry!
[17:14] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Which is where greed comes into issue
[17:14] nokill: and thats why the goverment made you to kill us all
[17:14] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Yup
[17:15] nokill: sounds to logical to be true
[17:15] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Maybe its supposed to sound too logical to be true so that you dont get suspicious by it.
[17:15] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Maybe that was the point. ;)
[17:15] nokill: well your not killing me you aint!
[17:15] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Not unless I have to
[17:15] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: =]
[17:16] nokill: i got a long lasting contract to life with the us goverment
[17:16] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: And I have the right to exercsise my sixth freedom
[17:17] nokill: you have to start a flame don't you
[17:17] nokill: you little pyro!
[17:17] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: I cant be bored and not do anything, now can I?
[17:18] nokill: you should really try the miss nice girl thingy and then stab em in the back
[17:18] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: I should
[17:18] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: But I like being more up close and personal
[17:18] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Thrill of the hunt.
[17:18] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Thrill of the kill
[17:19] nokill: no need to get your hands dirty at every encounter
[17:21] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: True
[17:21] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: No need
[17:21] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: But the world doesnt revolve on "needs"
[17:21] nokill: it dos with me
[17:22] nokill: maybe its cus i'm a Gentleman... how dos it work with lady's?
[17:22] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: You should know the answer to that by now, Mr. N.
[17:23] nokill: i'm just testing you
[17:23] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Why need to test me?
[17:24] nokill: cus i can
[17:24] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: And I can not play along with your tests
[17:24] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: See. Doesnt revolve on Needs
[17:24] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: :P
[18:45] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: You understood what I meant
[18:45] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: You just dont want to confirm
[18:45] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Because you dont want to be vulnerable
[18:45] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: :P
[18:46] nokill: well I won't get vunerable
[18:46] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Its cool. Mr.N. We all have our cliches
[18:46] nokill: indeed... i fear to much control and you are Bisexual
[18:46] nokill: or where you lebian...? i forgot
[18:46] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: -.-
[18:47] nokill: your not gonne tell me your hetro right?
[18:47] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Im not really gonna tell you anything
[18:47] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Because im not supposed to confirm or deny any
[18:47] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: :P
[18:48] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: I wonder if you're in urban dictionary
[18:48] nokill: hmmm your bisexual
[18:48] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: -.-
[13:43] nokill: can i get some morfine?
[13:43] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Do you have severe chronic pain?
[13:43] nokill: no but morfine makes me feel good =)
[13:43] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: So does PIE
[13:43] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Just haveone of those
[13:44] nokill: yes...
[13:44] nokill: but i can't take em with me in my pocket
[13:44] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Then carry one around
[13:44] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: In a bookbag or something
[13:44] nokill: bookbag.. good idea.. i just run around with PIE! dishes all day heh silly me
[13:44] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: So there you go, sir.
[13:45] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: [offers you a sticker]
[13:45] nokill: thank you doctor
[13:45] nokill: on my cheak please!
[13:45] nokill: the red one with the cartoony on it
[13:46] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: [tears off the "red one with the cartonny on it" and gently slaps it on your cheek, lightly tapping it again to make sure its on] Voila
[13:46] nokill: yay!
[13:46] nokill: *runs around cheering!*
[13:46] nokill: *and drops dead all up a sudden =P *
[13:46] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Well if you're dead then theres nothing I can really do
[13:46] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: >.>
[13:47] nokill: you can give me a shock...
[13:47] nokill: or a kiss can also work sometimes
[13:47] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Im not kissing someone I just diagnosed
[13:47] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: -.-
[13:47] nokill: i read about it
[13:47] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Especially when he has AD
[13:47] nokill: you just said i was fine...
[13:47] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: You are
[13:47] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: But you still have AD
[13:48] nokill: in 50 years if i'm lucky...
[13:48] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Which is pretty much why you are a 20-30 year old running around with a sticker on his cheek
[13:48] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: You cant process how old you are
[13:48] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: So you're going back to better times
[13:48] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: When you were a kid
[13:48] nokill: I'm just someone thats happy in life and feels as good as a kid
[13:48] nokill: you should try it grumpy old lady
[13:49] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Okay fine
[13:49] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Ill defribulate you
[13:49] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: [waits for the charge] Clear!
[13:49] nokill: did you just kiss me ...
[13:49] nokill: its shockingly good
[13:50] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Actually, I just put 1000 volts with an energy content of 100-200 joules into your heart
[13:50] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: I guess it could do the same thing
[13:50] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: >.>
[13:50] nokill: well love is something dangerous... especially for old ppl
[13:50] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Especially when they have AD
[13:51] nokill: not then... the shaking goe's on itself so they don't have to make an effort
[13:51] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Hey, I could have just as easily let you die
[13:51] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: You have AD
[13:52] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: :P
[13:52] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: >:P*
[13:52] nokill: oh yes thank you for shocking AD into me whyle saving me Dr.A.Lady
[13:53] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Np. =]
[13:53] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: At least you werent like my last pateint who I had to defribulate
[13:53] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: We happed to be in a hyperbolic chamber and the charge caught him on fire
[13:53] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: But...his heart resumed
[13:53] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: >.>
[13:53] nokill: ... right
[13:55] nokill: well ill be returning to Dr.A.Lady tomorrow then for check up of my healthy body!
[13:55] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Which just so happens to have AD
[13:55] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: But okay
[13:55] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: See you tomorrow
[13:55] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: =D
[13:55] nokill: but your no Dr yet you know
[13:56] nokill: and you got lime deseace!
[13:56] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: lymes disease
[13:56] nokill: that yes
[13:56] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: And actually I dont
[13:56] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: =]
[13:57] nokill: but you can't see the red circle just sticking out of your cloth on the back of your neck
[13:58] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Well now that I know I have it I can get medicine to treat it
[13:58] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: antibiotics ftw
[13:58] nokill: I suck as doctor... I'm much better as old crancky fart thats a big old child from the inside
[13:59] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: And has had his lifespan technically cut in half since you wont be able to remember 10 minutes ago if you dont get treated, or at least properly diagnosed
[13:59] nokill: no it won't kick in till i'm 60+ if i even do have it
[13:59] nokill: so thats 1 or 2 years past my half life span
[14:00] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: But it can be prevented if you do have it, which can be positively tested even if you just came out of the womb
[14:00] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Maybe all that PIE is having a deficiency on other vitamins you need to remain stable when it comes to AD
[14:01] nokill: so fruity vegy and meat PIE! can't get me enuf vitamins?
[14:01] nokill: well im going now cu later
[14:02] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Wel breads, wheat, cereals, olive oil, fish, and red wine could help prevent it
[14:02] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: :P
[14:02] nokill: i drink wine
[14:02] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: and vitamins like b12, b3, c or folic acid help too
[14:02] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: :P
[14:02] nokill: bread PIE!...
[14:03] nokill: fishy PIE! almost daily
[14:03] nokill: well im going miss Lady *smutch*
[14:03] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Whats your job?
[14:03] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: o.o
[14:03] nokill: do fun things =)
[14:03] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Norly
[14:03] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: lol
[14:03] nokill: thats the discription...
[14:03] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Really
[14:04] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Do you have any exposure to magnetic field?
[14:04] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Intake of metals?
[14:04] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Or any exposure to solvents?
[14:04] nokill: only to cool people and coffee...
[14:04] nokill: you can diagnose me more tomorrow
[14:04] nokill: cya
[14:04] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Fine
[14:04] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: :p
[14:04] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Cya
[14:04] nokill: have fun!
[14:04] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: As long as your not dead by brunch
[14:04] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: >.>
[14:04] nokill: same time tomorrow
[14:05] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Ill be in school
[14:05] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: o.o
[14:05] nokill: skip it!
[14:05] nokill: =P
[14:05] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Thats not good, dude
[14:05] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: :P
[14:05] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: I need my good grades
[14:05] nokill: oh yea, stay in school
[14:05] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: to get into a good medical academy
[14:05] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: to become a doctor
[14:05] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: =D
[14:05] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Whom looks marvelous in a white lab coat
[14:05] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: and gives even 20-30 year olds stickers
[14:05] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: :P
[14:05] nokill: well go score A+'s with your look pretty
[14:06] nokill: <This user is now offline>
[13:30] nokill: sow hows the boyfriend
[13:33] nokill: <.<
[13:42] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: I have a boyfriend?
[13:42] nokill: well i dunno did the boys run dry there?
[13:42] nokill: or is none smart enoufh for you?
[13:42] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: I dont like to talk about it, NoKill
[13:42] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: :P
[13:43] nokill: oeh you had a bad experiance
[13:43] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: -.-
[13:43] nokill: tell me sister!
[13:43] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Nope
[13:43] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: :P
[13:43] nokill: awww
[13:43] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Just had a bad experience, is all.
[13:43] nokill: so why is there no mister marietta
[13:44] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: I lost something
[13:44] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: someone*
[13:44] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Thats all
[13:44] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Theres no need for details. Thats the gist of it.
[13:44] nokill: hmmm well alrighty then
[13:44] nokill: ill be here if you want to open up on the subject
[13:44] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: -.-
[13:44] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: I dont
[13:45] nokill: but if you do
[13:45] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: But I dont
[13:45] nokill: you never know
[13:45] nokill: people change mind
[13:45] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Actually I do
[13:45] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: :P
[13:45] nokill: good let me hear it
[13:45] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: That was a response to your: [13:45] nokill: you never know
[13:46] nokill: ah... well erm ok then =(
[13:46] nokill: it won't hurt typing about it
[13:46] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: yes it will
[13:46] nokill: you don't know that
[13:47] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Or do I?
[13:47] nokill: no you don't
[13:47] nokill: you just don't want to tell some 99 year old guy that will take it into his grave
[13:48] nokill: and your not really talking so your either on your own forums complaining or your eating to mutch donuts again and drinking sprite
[13:49] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Or contemplating the hurt again from bringing up the subject again
[13:49] nokill: well it helps if you let it out =P
[13:49] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: No it doesnt
[13:49] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: I told people before
[13:49] nokill: i'm not people
[13:50] nokill: and you suck at starting/keeping conversations going!
[13:51] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: We're not going to start this conversation
[13:51] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: because its none of your business
[13:51] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: For one
[13:51] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: And for two, I dont want to talk about
[13:51] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: Which I said before
[13:51] -]RC[-Thirteen™{BetGrnt}: :p
[13:51] nokill: sworry v.v
[13:00] nokill: your new boy friend >>
[13:00] <Marietta Lizette>: I have a new boyfriend?
[13:00] <Marietta Lizette>: o.o
[13:00] nokill: your profile picture
[13:00] <Marietta Lizette>: Hes an ex
[13:00] <Marietta Lizette>: Actualy
[13:00] <Marietta Lizette>: and that girl
[13:00] <Marietta Lizette>: I made out with
[13:00] <Marietta Lizette>: so
[13:01] <Marietta Lizette>: She is more of my boyfriend than he is
[13:01] <Marietta Lizette>: >.>
[13:01] nokill: kinky...
[13:01] <Marietta Lizette>: xD
[13:01] nokill: why not put a pic on of that?
[13:02] <Marietta Lizette>: Cuz its actually a video
[13:02] <Marietta Lizette>: And its too explicit
[13:02] <Marietta Lizette>: :p
[13:02] nokill: send
[13:02] nokill: or is that wrong of me to ask
[13:03] <Marietta Lizette>: Its wrong of you to ask
[13:03] <Marietta Lizette>: Just cuz I say it is
[13:03] <Marietta Lizette>: :P
[13:03] nokill: well i'm aksing anyway... send
[13:03] <Marietta Lizette>: Im declining anyway
[13:03] <Marietta Lizette>: Nope
[13:03] <Marietta Lizette>: =]
[13:04] nokill: ;'(
[13:05] <Marietta Lizette>: ;]
[13:05] nokill: then i want to join the sexy lady's of repcom xfire group
[13:05] <Marietta Lizette>: lmao
[13:05] <Marietta Lizette>: Really?
[13:05] nokill: yes =)
[13:05] <Marietta Lizette>: rofl
[13:05] <Marietta Lizette>: Okay
[13:05] <Marietta Lizette>: Ill go ahead and invite you now
[13:06] nokill: ok
[13:06] <Marietta Lizette>: nokill is already in 5 clans and cannot join additional clans.
[13:06] nokill: =/
[13:06] <Marietta Lizette>: You should leave one of your redcells
[13:06] <Marietta Lizette>: :P
[13:07] nokill: done
[13:07] <Marietta Lizette>: sent
[13:07] nokill: hurray!
[13:08] nokill: now send me that movie
[13:09] nokill: =P
[13:10] nokill: and are those other ppl even remotely sexy <.<
[13:47] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: Yo Nokill
[13:47] nokill: lo
[13:47] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: Whats up?
[13:47] nokill: you do know the ansfer
[13:47] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: You're either drunk, hungover, or doing nothing
[13:48] nokill: im smakke pakkers!
[13:48] nokill: no wait im plakke smakke
[13:49] nokill: http://dl-client.getdropbox.com/u/67672/Photo%202.jpg
[13:49] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: -.-
[13:49] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: oh
[13:49] nokill: =)
[13:49] nokill: you should try it
[13:49] nokill: we gotten up to 23
[13:49] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: No thanks
[13:49] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: lol
[13:50] nokill: =(
[13:50] nokill: so what you doing
[13:50] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: You know the answer to that.
[13:50] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: >;p
[13:50] nokill: nothing
[13:51] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: Yup
[13:51] nokill: so no snow fights
[13:51] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: I hate the cold
[13:51] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: >.>
[13:51] nokill: but but... you can get like a snowball machine gun you know!
[13:52] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: If I can fire it from the warmth of my own home then fine
[13:52] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: If not
[13:52] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: To hell with it
[13:53] nokill: your boring you know
[13:53] nokill: i'd kill you to get some snow here
[13:53] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: How would killing me do that?
[13:54] nokill: dunno...
[13:54] nokill: but its more likely to work then just wait here
[13:54] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: Actually it'd be less likely to happen
[13:54] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: Because depending where adn when you do actually kill me
[13:54] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: Im sure laws would have you behind bars for X amount of time
[13:54] nokill: what do you know about that your over there playing inside away from the snow outside
[13:54] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: And as far as I know, it doesnt snow in jail
[13:54] nokill: what jail?
[13:55] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: A jail
[13:55] nokill: im not going to jail
[13:55] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: You will if you kill me
[13:56] nokill: says who?
[13:56] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: The United States government, as much as I hate it, they do still have some good concepts to it
[13:56] nokill: well you won't know that now will you
[13:56] nokill: anyways put some in a pakage and mail it to me so i can play with it
[13:57] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: It'd melt by time it got to you
[13:57] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: o.o
[13:59] nokill: not if you put in cooling elements and some battery's
[13:59] nokill: it might just work you know
[14:00] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: It might
[14:00] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: But then you have to lower the temp of your house to
[14:00] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: like
[14:00] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: 10
[14:00] nokill: ill play with it outside
[14:01] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: Its cold in the Netherlands?
[14:01] nokill: well its below 10
[14:01] nokill: its winter you know
[14:01] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: How the hell do you not have your own snow?
[14:01] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: >.<
[14:01] nokill: cus we are a warm hearted country thats to good to be cold and evil
[14:02] nokill: and we got like 10x more C02 production here cus of all the weed consumption
[14:02] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: lol
[14:02] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: Oh..
[14:02] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: I bet you let off your own fair share
[14:02] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: :P
[14:02] nokill: true im also to blame
[14:03] nokill: its mother natures way of telling us don't or you won't get snow
[14:04] nokill: so hows your school, boyfriends and all going
[14:04] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: school is going great
[14:04] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: not interested in boys, henceforth no boyfriends
[14:04] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: "and all" -- overall good
[14:04] nokill: but you still don't have any super dudes there in the US
[14:05] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: superdude?
[14:05] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: lol
[14:05] nokill: like me
[14:05] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: Oh
[14:05] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: I didnt know you refered to yourself as a
[14:05] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: o.o
[14:05] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: Super Dude
[14:06] nokill: well not really no... im more of a god myself but i don't want to sound cokcy of myself you know
[14:07] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: Nothing is wrong with cocky
[14:07] :|:Marietta Lizette™:|:: :P
[14:08] nokill: well im a decent guy you know, a real gentleman madam!