As the heir to the Redcell gaming community, I would like to invite you all to a Redcell Reunion match. It has been years since I and my brother (Anakin / Matt) have played this game. We both have talked about how much fun it was killing you all, the clans, the internet rage / drama (Wrath I'm talking to you) and would like to have a week long series of reunion matches set-up with Teamspeak etc. to relive our glory days.
Why a week long series of reunion matches you say? I decided that a week long series of matches would be better for everyone due to us all living in different areas / time zones, etc. I know were all older now and have other important things to do so I figured why not make it a week long and see who drops in to say hi.
Obviously, we are going to need help with this venture. We still need to pick a week, set up a teamspeak server and find a dedicated server for us all to play on..Let me know if you can help with any of the logistics!
-Puke -
Republic Commando Division Commander (Former & First).
Nokill if we get this scrimmage week match thing to work, you better show up...this is your clan after all.