Hello there fellow gamers!
would like to introduce you to a new kind of website we created! It's called TheGamesDatabase. Well you might ask yourself what exactly this is all about. I will tell you. Basically we're a database about video games featuring alot of community features. Have you ever herad of IMDb.com? If yes you know exactly what we're doing. If not, listen:
» What we are:We are a database, no doubt. But we're not only a database. We are a community of gamers and developers. You can find out anything about a special game you would like doing research on once we have completed our video games database. The most important thing you need to know is that our website is mainly based on usergenerated content. You are the people we're looking for! On our website you'll find Game-Infos, Videos, Screenshots, News, Biographies and alot more. Everything on TheGamesDatabase is connected to each other. I don't want to tell you about all features here. I would like to ask you to check out the website once the public beta is up!
http://www.thegamesdatabase.com» What we want:We want to be the biggest and most accurate database about video games. Additionally we want to connect the different types of gamers wheter they are computer-gamers or console-addicts! Also another goal of our site is to be the refference in the gaming scene wheter you want to check out a game or not. This depends on YOU. You are able to vote games and write reviews about them. As bigger our community grows those ratings are getting more accurate, the site gets filled by more content and the rewards of being active are getting more interesting. Wait did I say rewards? Yes! We're currently working on a Reward-System that gives you points for each acitivity you do on thegamesdatabase.com. Wheter you post in the forums, add or edit a game in the database, submit news, comment on posts/videos/screenshots doesnt matter. You'll get points for it and you can use it once that system finished.
http://www.thegamesdatabase.com» Check it out once it's up!Our Public-Beta will launch this weekend and I would like to invite all of you to check it out! Be one of the first users on this new gaming network!
http://www.thegamesdatabase.comSee you this weekend!
(Test post)