So Miss Pauling(err Valve) decided to give a key for everyone which opens those Festive Winter Crates with all of this holiday spirit around!!! drop rates have increased, doubled to be exact for the whole week. Here's a fair chance to find some goodies! Enjoy the keys and drops guys. Hope you get something nice! If you still haven't gotten a festive crate or need one because you traded them away

I have a few extras I could give out. Send me a message on steam or something. Considering the drop rates, one will show up soon enough anyway.
Post what you get from your crates if you want. I will open mine in a couple of days

Also if you haven't tried the Medieval Mode, give it a go. Watch out for the huntsman arrows tho. It gets crazy. The chat filter to Ye Olde English is pretty neat
![[steam] [steam]](images/smilies/Steamboat%20Willieos.gif)
Edit: It was the Robin Hood hat! lol score