RedCell Forum

7up app?
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Author:  SevenUp [ Sun May 19, 2013 2:05 am ]
Post subject:  7up app?

-Have you read the announcements in this section?: Yea

-Do you understand everything that you have read, or are you still unclear on certain points? If yes, which?: I got it

-Do you agree to follow the rules at all times, and to accept all punishment issued if you do not?: Yeppers

-Can you get along with and respect other players in game and on forums?: yah

-Current name in Game?: SevenUp44

-What is your main role/position?: Adc

-Which champion do you preferably play?: Caitlyn or Ezreal

-How long have you played League of Legends?: Since January

-Any former teams?: Well I played with drift and tx's na team but we really didnt do anything.. lol

-Were you recruited (i.e. told to join RedCell) by anyone? If so, whom?: no

-How long do you see yourself staying in RedCell?: Until I quit playing games

-What is your Xfire username?: husoldierz

-Do you have TeamSpeak 3? If not, are you capable of getting it?:
-Do you have a microphone?: yesh

-What is your time zone?: Central, Standard

-What country do you live in? (optional): Usa

-How much do you play, and at what times generally?: Every day 4-11 on week days all day on weekends

-Anything else we may want to know about you?: not rly

Author:  TheXanatos [ Sun May 19, 2013 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 7up app?

:D was hoping you would finaly app
GL on your app hope you make it :)

Author:  Mt.Dew [ Sun May 19, 2013 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 7up app?

Hey best of luck on your app, Played with you today and my only complaint would to be work on your last hitting, But it may have just been a bad game. But it's fine we won =)

Ill play more games with you tommorow, I have graduation tonight.

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