SWRC | Server Tutorial"Everybody can create Servers in Republic Commando !"Here's the way to do it:
Note: It is absolutley recommend to delete all antivirusapplications, internet security guards or firewalls of companys like kaspersky, norton, mcaffee and so on. u'll encounter problems if u use programs like that (and to be honest they suck...). use avira antivir classic and all will be fine. 1.
Access to your Router Control Center [RCC] (usally u do this by entering something in ur browser - i.e. if u have a
fritzbox-Router u can access ur RCC via entering "fritz.box" into ur browser)
Note: get the manual of your router and search for it or simple google after it via the product-name of your router. Mostly u have given an adminname and -pass too 2 access the RCC2.
Once you're logged into ur RCC go to something that is called "PORTS" or "PORT FORWARDING" or something in that way. There u can open Ports. There are 2 types of portprotocols u can choose: UDP and TCP
open now all thes ports for applications in UDP
and TCP !
Republic Commando Ports
GameSpy Arcade Ports
(apply these if u behind a firewall)
Dont forget to save the opened Ports if u RCC wishes so ( if theres a button or something ...)
Search in your whole RCC for this. "UPnP"Make sure that UPnP is activated and Anonymus Person can access ur Ports. ( That just means that all person have the permisson to dock on ur port so they can play on your server )
Deactivate your Windows Firewall ( YES ! I SAID DEACTIVATE IT ! to be honest : nobody needs a freakin firewall ...thats all crap if u have good antivir ...trust in me)
Note: if u still want to use a firewall only use the windowsfirewalland do this:
1. go to security center in systemcontrols
2. open firewallsettings
3. click on allow exceptions (checkbox)
4. click on the tab exceptions
5. click on ports and allow allopened ports (all in all 22 ports...
6. also mark swrc and gamespy arcade as a exeception
7. done
This is all gay too when u try to make servers.
Norton Internet Security
Tiny Personal Firewall
Sygate (proxy)
Wingate (proxy)
Internet Connection Sharing aka ICS - provided by Windows 98SE and higher (proxy)
Linksys Routers (hardware firewall) - deactivate the hardwarefirewall in RCC
D-Link Routers (hardware firewall) - deactivate the hardwarefirewall in RCC
Cisco Routers (hardware firewall) - deactivate the hardwarefirewall in RCC