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 Post subject: Let's have a laugh
PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:21 am 

Joined: Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:59 pm
Posts: 16
[14:25] [HBC]Six™->]TAG[<-: you and dom may not be able to play anyone...
[14:25] `°»RnR«°´Ohver: what do u mean?
[14:25] [HBC]Six™->]TAG[<-: almost everyone
[14:25] [HBC]Six™->]TAG[<-: refuse to play a RnR member
[14:26] [HBC]Six™->]TAG[<-: remo told me not to get you
[14:26] [HBC]Six™->]TAG[<-: :\
[14:26] [HBC]Six™->]TAG[<-: but dont tell him that and he called you guys a bunch of fags...
[14:26] `°»RnR«°´Ohver: looooooool

[14:34] `°»RnR«°´Ohver: so
[14:34] `°»RnR«°´Ohver: he said
[14:34] `°»RnR«°´Ohver: not to get me
[14:34] [HBC]Six™->]TAG[<-: yeah
[14:34] `°»RnR«°´Ohver: do ui have chat logs?
[14:35] [HBC]Six™->]TAG[<-: it was in-game

[14:40] [HBC]Six™->]TAG[<-: what are you guys going to do about it?
[14:40] [HBC]Six™->]TAG[<-: :o
[14:41] `°»RnR«°´Ohver: nothing
[14:41] `°»RnR«°´Ohver: we can't really stop people
[14:41] `°»RnR«°´Ohver: from bbaling us
[14:45] [HBC]Six™->]TAG[<-: well there is one thing
[14:46] [HBC]Six™->]TAG[<-: you can do idk if you guys will do though
[14:46] `°»RnR«°´Ohver: which would be
[14:46] [HBC]Six™->]TAG[<-: acting humble towards red cell and make a topic saying sorry and that you want to be friends with them
[14:46] [HBC]Six™->]TAG[<-: idk what else you can do
[14:46] [HBC]Six™->]TAG[<-: :\

In all honestly, I've sat here for quite a while trying to think of something funny to write, but I just couldn't. This little chat log is just impossible to follow up. It' so hilarious I simply can't match it. So let's all just read this and laugh really hard. Also, any tips on coming out to my parents? I haven't told them yet.

 Post subject: Re: Let's have a laugh
PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:25 am 

Joined: Thu Dec 17, 2009 1:19 pm
Posts: 218
I would respond but you are in RNR and I cant talk to you. Wait....I just talked to you.... CRAP! Pretend I didnt wait. If I tell you to pretend to not respond then I am talking to you... I am so confused! o.o

 Post subject: Re: Let's have a laugh
PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:27 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:05 pm
Posts: 278


 Post subject: Re: Let's have a laugh
PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:31 am 

Joined: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:31 pm
Posts: 1145
Believe everything "six" says, its all the truth ! [giggle] [giggle]

oh yea

ohver is gay


 Post subject: Re: Let's have a laugh
PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:39 am 

Joined: Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:30 am
Posts: 1558
Sgt Rock wrote:
Believe everything "six" says, its all the truth !


Pointless topic.


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