So as everyone has noticed meta has shifted a bit to Warmogs on everyone.
How is everyone dealing with this change? Since my favorite positions are ap carry and support I personally hate it, The fact that peeling for my carry has become alot more difficult due to 5 enemies with warmogs ignoring everything my team can throw at them.
And as an ap mid I feel as if I do no damage and I am irrelvant pass mid game. You could say build liandrys but it isn't as effective as one might think due to being jumped on by a kha, talon, panth, or riven.
This could just be me being a noob or is it really looking as if AP mids will no longer hold a place in the meta soon enough? Due to the ability of assassin to provide insane burst that as strong if not stronger then most ap`s and has auto attacks that provide moderate damage to boot.
And I don't believe stacking armor(Not to mention it delays crucial damage items) helps due to how they changed the calculation in armor pen and how expensive armor is to purchase nowadays.
So thoughts? Opinions? Open for debate I just would like to start an interesting debate topic that shouldn't be taken out of hand and should serve as a means to provide advice to your fellow clanmates.