-Have you read the announcements in this section?:

-Do you understand everything that you have read? (If not, please ask.):
I understood all, else I would ask you.
-Do you agree to follow the rules at all times, and to accept all punishment issued if you do not?:
I agree.
-Can you get along with and respect other players in game and on forums?:
-Current name in Game?:
Oxy, OxyGed, OxyGedDon
-Previous names?:
HydroGedDon, Epic|ADMIN
-How old are you?:
-What is your favourite/best weapon?:
Blaster and Sniper but Syndi teached me how to spam nades!

-Describe your gaming style.:
I prefer to use blaster than other weapons.
-How long have you played Republic Commando?:
Too long I think but it musst be over 2 years.
-Any former clans?:
oG, HøR, RG
-What makes RedCell the clan you want to join? (Please attempt to write 50 words or more.):
-Were you recruited (i.e. told to join RedCell) by anyone? If so, whom?:
By Syndicat and a long time ago Vava.
-How long do you see yourself staying in RedCell?:
I hope so long I can.
-Do you have any modding or map making experience?:
-What is your Xfire username?:
You have my xfire I think. swrcbromby
-Do you have TeamSpeak 3? If not, are you capable of getting it?:
I got it.
-Do you have a microphone?:
-What is your time zone?:
European timezone.
-What country do you live in? (optional):
I live in Germany.
-How much do you play, and at what times generally?:
I play near every day.
-Anything else we may want to know about you?:
-Totally owning screenshots (Highly Recommended):
I don't have some because I delted all my odl, don't know why

but I think I can get some impressive screens