You did well in our 1v1 today. I was running away with it at the beginning but once you got warmed up and I got a little bit slack, you staged an excellent late comeback. I believe you're good enough for this clan, but I do have a problem with your app, and it's not your skill.
Freelance™ wrote:
-How long do you see yourself staying in RedCell?: As long as RC still has something to offer me as far as entertainment value goes. Or vice-versa.
-Anything else we may want to know about you?: I have a history of dropping out of clans when I get bored. That being said, Carry on.
These answer make it pretty much impossible for me to vote for you. I like to think of RedCell as a clan that you are proud to be a part of, and one that you can't just come and go from as you please. I like to think that if you're in RedCell, you're in for good, and if things swing for the bad for a little while, then you'll stay in RC and ride those bad times out.
If we were to let you in now, that'd be your third time being accepted here, and you even point out that you will probably leave soon enough anyway. Even your name implies this kind of attitude.
If your desire to be in this clan comes from its "entertainment value" and you will only stay so long as you are entertained, then in my view, you're not the right applicant for us. I'm therefore going to give a no-vote, but if I see that your approach to the clan has changed, then my vote will, too.