[18:04] ReiGn'Damon: yes i like this deal :>
[18:05] <This user is now playing Star Wars: Republic Commando>
[18:05] <This user stopped playing Star Wars: Republic Commando>
Gesprächsende: Tue, Mar 18 18:06:39 2014
Gesprächsbeginn zwischen -]RC[-Epic{EurPfc} und ReiGn'Damon: Tue, Mar 18 18:10:51 2014
[18:10] -]RC[-Epic{EurPfc}: Fail

Gesprächsende: Tue, Mar 18 18:10:52 2014
Gesprächsbeginn zwischen -]RC[-Epic{EurPfc} und ReiGn'Damon: Tue, Mar 18 18:11:02 2014
[18:11] ReiGn'Damon: trying out random troll scripts
[18:11] ReiGn'Damon: to troll vash
[18:11] -]RC[-Epic{EurPfc}:

Gesprächsende: Tue, Mar 18 18:11:09 2014
Gesprächsbeginn zwischen -]RC[-Epic{EurPfc} und ReiGn'Damon: Tue, Mar 18 18:14:11 2014
[18:14] ReiGn'Damon: lmfao
[18:14] ReiGn'Damon: perfect.
[18:14] -]RC[-Epic{EurPfc}: ^^
Gesprächsende: Tue, Mar 18 18:14:23 2014
Gesprächsbeginn zwischen -]RC[-Epic{EurPfc} und ReiGn'Damon: Tue, Mar 18 18:15:46 2014
[18:15] ReiGn'Damon: I don't even have to open my game to crash tx servers.
[18:15] ReiGn'Damon: Nice.
Gesprächsende: Tue, Mar 18 18:15:59 2014
Gesprächsbeginn zwischen -]RC[-Epic{EurPfc} und ReiGn'Damon: Tue, Mar 18 18:27:42 2014
[18:27] ReiGn'Damon: LOL
[18:27] ReiGn'Damon: with my script
[18:27] ReiGn'Damon: I could leave it running 24/7
[18:27] -]RC[-Epic{EurPfc}: am I gay.
[18:27] ReiGn'Damon: and no one could ever join TX servers
[18:27] ReiGn'Damon: would you support this
[18:27] ReiGn'Damon: also
[18:27] ReiGn'Damon: yes you are
[18:28] -]RC[-Epic{EurPfc}: EYYYYY
[18:28] <This user is now playing Star Wars: Republic Commando>
[18:28] -]RC[-Epic{EurPfc}: How da hell.
[18:28] ReiGn'Damon: :>
[18:28] -]RC[-Epic{EurPfc}: Then it can't be a repcom script, else
[18:28] <This user stopped playing Star Wars: Republic Commando>
[18:28] -]RC[-Epic{EurPfc}: you let it run over
[18:28] ReiGn'Damon: i just made it

[18:28] -]RC[-Epic{EurPfc}: your server
[18:28] -]RC[-Epic{EurPfc}: with connection to TX server..
[18:28] -]RC[-Epic{EurPfc}: intelligent..
[18:28] ReiGn'Damon: only TX goes down