RedCell Forum

Gunslinger Rides On!!
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Author:  DCLS [ Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Gunslinger Rides On!!

This has already been discussed in the Recruiter section, so I'm sure most of you already know. It is about time for me to retire wich is way overdue. I wanted this for a while, but as tuff times redcell has seen. I didn't want to abandon you guys with no one worthy to take over. Now everything is much different. This clan has plenty of loyal recruiters who are more than worthy to take my position. I am proud of all of you for making this an awesome clan. I feel its my time to ride into the sunset. Thanks all for all the support through the years. I appreciate the loyalty and respect I have received from this clan. So I thank all you guys, especially the ones who have been great friends (you know who you are and keep in touch). I'll still be on xfire and may play scrims once in a while, so I wont be disappearing on you guys forever. [yessir]

P.S. The new Divcom will be assigned to Status. So congratz and continue the legacy -]RC[-

Author:  007 [ Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gunslinger Rides On!!

Its been a great pleasure to play with or against you over the many years we have been around. Best of luck in the future.

Author:  Lionheart [ Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gunslinger Rides On!!

You did your job very well DCLS, make sure you stay around here. Otherwise Im goig to hunt you down! [wub]

Author:  eggrole2000 [ Thu Dec 13, 2012 1:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gunslinger Rides On!!

Goodluck again Dc! [wub]

Cheers Status! To tits and potatos!

Author:  RiO [ Thu Dec 13, 2012 1:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gunslinger Rides On!!

GL in life DC
u did some good work

hmm status as divcom [eek]

Author:  Machinehead [ Thu Dec 13, 2012 1:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gunslinger Rides On!!

We're gonna miss you big D, I still remeber our 1v1 when I first apped here. wish I had gotten the chance to play with you more

Gratz to StatusQ3

Author:  FaceFullâ„¢ [ Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gunslinger Rides On!!

Good Luck with your travels DCLS, i havent known you long but i can tell you had a very big leadership role in the RepCom section of RedCell

congratz Stat i know youll make a great DivCom!

Author:  StatusQ3 [ Thu Dec 13, 2012 4:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gunslinger Rides On!!

DC, you've done a superb job in your time in the Council. I remember when you were the newest appointed recruiter, way back in the day [wub]. You grew into the leadership role so well that you are one now of the few remaining RedCell old-guard and legends of this game. I am sad to see you go, and hope that the future has good things in store for you. :)

As for my inheriting the DivCom position, I can only say that I am honoured, and that I will try my best to fill the footsteps of DivComs before me.

So long, DCLS! We better see you playing with those {Vet} tags soon. :)

Author:  Tree [ Thu Dec 13, 2012 5:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gunslinger Rides On!!

Best of luck with everything you do, D. Thanks for everything, and hope to see you around.

Congrats Status!

Author:  Vava [ Thu Dec 13, 2012 5:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gunslinger Rides On!!

Oh no DCls :'(. Good Luck on ur Real life.

Anyway Rly nice Status, i'm sure u deserve this.

Author:  Heaven [ Thu Dec 13, 2012 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gunslinger Rides On!!

Thank you again DCLS for all the effort you have put into this clan and community, i hope to see you again in the future as a Veteran! [yessir]

And congrats Status, you'll do an excellent job as DivCom [wub]

Author:  Deluxe [ Thu Dec 13, 2012 1:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gunslinger Rides On!!

Thank you so much for all your effort and activity in the past years! RedCell has to be very proud about such members like you. Have fun in your well-deserved retirement! ;D

And you,Mr. Status, good luck as the new DivCom! [wink]

Author:  Noval [ Thu Dec 13, 2012 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gunslinger Rides On!!

Take care DCLS! I never got to know you, but good luck with your future.

Congratulations Status :D May the force be with you...

Author:  Adrenaline [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gunslinger Rides On!!

It has always been fun playing with you earlier and you always were a great and friendly player. Thank you for all the games we played!
You deserve your break and you did awesome here. Looking forward to see you ingame still sometimes!
Good Luck with everything!

Aaand Congratulations Status, you deserved it! :D [wub]

Author:  Sgt Rock [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gunslinger Rides On!!

We have been playing RC since the dial up days together ! Great job there little buddy! [yessir]

Good luck to StatusQ3 and hopefully you will take my previous post to heart.

Just Sayin'

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