Good evening fellow RC members,after quite some work the News Staff has almost finished working on our official YouTube channel which is obviously called
TeamXtreme Broadcast .
Every stuff concerning the clan, such as 'top 5 clips'-videos will be uploaded there as well as usual trailers and teasers for upcoming games, events and TeamXtreme projects such as WarPack and Promod. All videos will have our official TX intro included in the beginning, currently we are using the promod trailer but soon having a new one.
Furthermore we want to give you the possiblity to upload your own stuff on our profile - as long as it concerns the clan. Whenever you do a montage or clip feel free to handle it to one ouf our staff members who will upload it on our profile. Since we going to work a lot on making TX-Gaming a bit known in the gaming world this would be a much promising possibility to get more views and feedback for your work.
Please visit our channel and subscribe, feel free to comment and rate our already uploaded videos.
Link: it!~
TeamXtreme News StaffPlease note: The design might be changed in the future.