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OPEN MIC!: Song and Poetry Thread
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Author:  Mom [ Sat Oct 26, 2013 6:31 am ]
Post subject:  OPEN MIC!: Song and Poetry Thread

Good evening ladies and gents, this is the first installation to what I hope and aspire to being a safe-haven for closet poets like myself, to share heartfelt pieces we are writing with close friends, and to be a positive emotional outlet for all. Please feel free to impart your work here as well so that we may enjoy some other indie poetry and get inspired together!
I hope you guys like it [wub]
Play this in the background for maximum effects

This piece is called 'A Solitary Childhood on Kamino, Abridged'

I was walking through a cool autumn evening in the park, admiring the brilliant colors of the leaves and the soothing sounds of the birds surrounding me. My pace was slow; I was there to admire, nothing more, nothing less. Slowly, the sun set, my shadow grew and warped. It stretched and thinned, then faded together with the darkness; my libido stengthened. The leaves no longer looked colorful; they were all dulled, no longer containing the beauty of the day. The birds had all but gone to sleep; their sweet sounds died out and were replaced by a thick silence; it was time. On these kinds of walks, I thought about things. Things related to my past, my future and my present. But most of all, thought of life in general. Not my life, but the principals of life. I found that beauty was a gift that was easily given, and just as easily taken away. Take nature for example, the sun gives the beauty to the leaves, and lets the birds fill the air with their sweet music; I had to touch myself immediately. But when the sun leaves, it takes its beauty with it. you might say, the leaves and the birds are always beautiful, but do not show it all the time. That is like saying that a serial killer is actually a nice person, but doesn't always show it. I felt the coarse grain of my denim jeans drift down my thighs and around my ankles. Or that the leaves take their beauty from the sun, but the birds make their own beauty, does this not make them beautiful? No, because the sun controls when they let out their beauty, it is like a rich and controlling man, only letting people see his wife at dances and dinners, where she is readied to be as beautiful as she can, this is fake beauty. To this very thought, I slowly massaged myself in the cool autumn evening. The birds would never be beautiful if the world was shrouded in darkness forever, and neither would be the wife if her husband was not rich enough to pamper her. All of these things take their beauty from an outside source. The sun for instance, gives its beauty to nature, but when it fades, it takes its beauty with it. What I’m saying is that beauty is a gift; I felt myself begin to climax. If you do not have beauty, if you think you are not beautiful, then you just have not found your source. Now, there is an eternal and special source, a source unique to human beings that is an undying and everlasting source. This source is love. It is shown everywhere, things that do not fade in their beauty that is love; my mother could never bring herself to show any love toward me. Even in religion, in Christianity the Christ died for all of our sins, showing God’s love for everybody, it is everlasting; it does not fade and will never disappear. In true relationships, this love perseveres; it never sleeps and never disappears; where is my mother now? Marriage is an indicator that your source will never fade, and your beauty will last forever. Now beware of those who give their source to all those they see, they wish to shine their source on everybody and find the most beautiful. This seems like a smart thing, but their love will fade on those they promise a source to, they are liars and should not be trusted; it was growing late, I cleaned myself up and was on my way. They can’t bring true love, they will fade and so will your beauty along with it. Beauty is a gift, and can easily be given and taken away. But this fragile gift can be protected by an eternal source, Love. So find your love and protect your beauty, and protect your love’s beauty; some tell me I think too much, and alas the night was ruined. And once you do that, maybe I can finish my walk.

Author:  eggrole2000 [ Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OPEN MIC!: Song and Poetry Thread

That is profound. Wow I am so wet from this story.

I will make my own tomorrow, this is sooo great just amazing.....

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