-Have you read the announcements in this section?:3 times
-Do you understand everything that you have read, or are you still unclear on certain points? If yes, which?: Yes
-Do you agree to follow the rules at all times, and to accept all punishment issued if you do not?: Yes
-Current name in Game?: Either Metallica or VolTaGe
-Previous names?: Swat Metallica VolTaGe Jesus Saxon 07 Delta07 and some others
-What makes RedCell the clan you want to join? Please attempt to write 50 words or more.: As you might know, I've tried to get in RedCell 2 times (this being my 3rd). Every time I've wanted to be in the best clan (in my opinion) in repcom. This time, I hope to make a better impression on those who dislike me, I hope to get better as well as play fun scrimms against other clans. Furthermore, I have a lot of friends in RedCell. I know and respect them fully (and vice-versa I believe). For those of you who do not like me that well, perhaps we can be nice to each other (Infil, and some others), I hope to have a great time and make new friends in RedCell
-What is your favourite/best weapon?: I would have to say, right now, blaster.
-Describe your gaming style.: Blaster only, occasionally pick up a sniper
-Can you get along with/respect other players in game and on forums?: Of course
-How long have you played Republic Commando?:
My xfire says for about 780 hours.
-Any former clans?: CCP (App) e-7 x3 i believe, ShaDoW, AoD, InSane, MotR, -ForPeace (Ask hello abotu that one
) RC (App x2 ), Dark Empire being the oldest.
-Were you recruited (i.e. told to join RedCell) by anyone? If so, whom?: No I really just felt like giving it a 3rd try
-How long do you see yourself staying in RedCell?: As long as I al welcomed
-Can you make custom maps?: no but I would love to
-Do you have Xfire? If so, what is your username? If not, will you get it (
http://www.xfire.com)?: daniel772
-Do you have TeamSpeak/Ventrilo? If not, are you capable of getting them?: I have Ts2 Ts3 and Ventrilo
-Do you have a microphone?: Yes
-What country do you live in? If you don't want to reveal that, your timezone is sufficient.: USA
-Anything else we may want to know about you?: Post anything you want to know
-Totally owning screenshots (Highly Recommended):