Well, we left off this epic journey through my life back in the heat of summer. My friends and I were off renting a place in town to be near some concerts and to be away from responsibility to allow our minds to get creative and write some of our own songs.
The rest of the summer was a blast. We also camped out in the wilderness for a few days, traveling on foot between a few different landscape locations. Just us, our camp supplies, some madlibs, and a video camera with extra tapes and batteries to log our adventure and capture us doing some stupid stuff.
Then came soccer. It was an intense last few weeks of training, but after a five hour practice, it was always nice to relax and chill around a bonfire, jam out, or just play some relaxing video games.
Now school has started, and I feel like I'm being pounded into the ground. I'm taking two college courses, so basically, I just sit in class, take some notes, and then I have to go home and learn the majority of the material by myself. I usually have 20-30 pages of community college history reading a night, plus there's always some sort of project going on. My other college course is English, in which we are just reading a chapter or two per night of novels and discussing them in the lecture hall. Fun in class, but the homework can be brutal with the little time that I have, and we're constantly taking pop quizzes on the reading and vocabulary that is in it.
The reason it is so hard to get this done is soccer. I have soccer practice three hours per day, and games usually last a little longer, with warmup included. If it's an away game sometimes I'll be gone until ten or eleven, not giving me much time to read all this homework, and work on a project in the evenings. Plus, I usually have a decent amount of chemistry and math homework. It is a good thing that my other class is public speaking, and all I have to do is come up with a speech every few days. Luckily, we haven't had much written or reading homework in that class, yet.
Things seem to be going especially rough for me, at the moment too. I came down with a cold last weekend and it's really taking a toll on me, especially on the soccer field. I lost my 80 dollar graphing calculator when I left it on the lunch table to get in line. Someone must have taken it. I've got a tooth cavity I need to get fixed in a week or two. I feel lost and overwhelmed with what is to come. I've been trying to take it one day at a time, but it is hard to ignore the future.
I'm just getting destroyed by life, right now, and I know what I really need it to get closer to God. I think that I'm realizing it more and more as I write all this down. I want to talk to Dan, if I can find him, and find the time.
In conclusion...
... my life.
Make the most of the Indian hemp seed, and sow it everywhere!