Anyone realize that my server has appeared to be offline for much of the past few days? There's a reason for this, and it's not because I have taken it offline. I myself, had no idea why the servers were not functioning. Then Birdie(I'm assuming you know who this is) added me on xfire.
He explained to me that he had been taking my server offline through DoS attack ( He was doing this because he wanted the password to my server(or something to that extent) and stated he would not stop until I had relented to his wishes. I refused his request, and he has proceeded to attack my internet through DoS. To be completely honest, I did not know what DoS was until this occurred. I had complete loss of internet connection to my house for hours, before I'm assuming the attack subsided and I got my internet back for a period of time.
Anyway, I find it incredibly sad and pathetic that someone would pull something like this.. over a video game. This attack on my internet did not only effect me, but my entire family of six. I'm really only posting this to give you guys a heads up, because I personally had no clue such a thing could be done until I experienced it for myself.
If any of you have him on xfire, I would strongly encourage removing him. This kind of behavior does not belong in our community, no matter how dead it may be.
p.s. He has some sort of program that he can use to easily find your IP. I'm not sure what it is exactly, but it was capable of finding my IP address through an xfire conversation. Once he has your IP Address, he can subject you to these kinds of internet attacks.