Well bud I might look in to it in awhile, if I find some spare time in the next month or so. Be patient and hopefully you won't discard this like many of the other you have. Don't drop it after a month because it pretty much becomes a waste of our time which is why most of our artist are reluctant to make you anything. It shows you really don't value our time. If you still have any plans of attempting to join redcell again, then you should demonstriaght-(that's spelled wrong I know)-maturity, and some good personal qualities. At this point I really don't understand who you are? You appear to be around 13 or so. Good enough skill, but knowing a person better increases the chance in making friends right? Correct me if I'm wrong. I know some people genuinely don't like you, or atleast I don't think they do. Anyways sorry for my rant, but your immature post don't make you likable and are kind of pestering. Hope you had a good Christmas. Happy New Years guys! And thx again 4 that sig StarDust!
Pm/Post on my topic to request a sig.