ftp://tx-server.net/Mods%20&%20Maps/Tea ... 0Commando/new dl link thanks to pengu. He fixed the problem for those who might be too dumb to manually change the admin patch xD
•»IG»°Lebrocus: yo do u have any idea
•»IG»°Lebrocus: why wp7
•»IG»°Lebrocus: would cause a problem with ppl's repcom
•»IG»°Lebrocus: were their esc key
•»IG»°Lebrocus: wouldnt work
]-TX-[•Pengi¢us.™{DivCom}: yes
]-TX-[•Pengi¢us.™{DivCom}: there is a bad ncc included
]-TX-[•Pengi¢us.™{DivCom}: you have to reinstall original admin patch 1.4 ncc
]-TX-[•Pengi¢us.™{DivCom}: • ESC-key (main menu) stops working for users with installed admin patch (Skip v1.4): please download this NCC and replace the one in your GameData/Properties folder.
ftp://tx-server.net/Mods%20&%20Maps/Oth ... V1_4/ncc.u•»IG»°Lebrocus: hmm
•»IG»°Lebrocus: i see
•»IG»°Lebrocus: thank you cuz americans got pissed at me
•»IG»°Lebrocus: cuz i finally got them all to get it
•»IG»°Lebrocus: and they r all pissed
•»IG»°Lebrocus: now
•»IG»°Lebrocus: xD
]-TX-[•Pengi¢us.™{DivCom}: xD
thats how to fix, for anyone who had that problem. Sorry. Please do as that says and you will be fine.
StatusQ3 wrote:
That's exactly my point. I don't need to know you personally in order to vote yes or no; indeed I don't know most applicants personally.