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 Post subject: Maps
PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:21 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:25 am
Posts: 184
Alright, so lately everyone has been saying how they are tired of playing the same 4 maps over and over and over again. I put together a list of extremely good mod maps with the help of a few other's suggestions. Deity, has agreed to upload the maps to rnr, and almost everyone I have showed the list to, either knew the maps already and liked it or checked them out by hosting a server and going through them and liked them.

Basically, the maps are very good and in your best interest to download/install. I plan to do scrims on these maps to get away the same maps we've been playing for the longest time. I know some of you have always been saying, WP sucks or some shit like that, but face it, there is atleast 12 maps that are good on it that are worth playing, and even if you only like 5 of the maps, 9 maps to play is better than 4.

The list of mod maps that we came down to contains 15 maps. 13 of those maps come from wp7. So no matter how much you don't like wp just get it and stop being a fag xD.

WP Maps:
Cloudcity (not for competitive, but for fun matches)

Other maps:
District118 (Really large map picked by slinks, mainly for 5v5+)
Vertical (was thrown into the second link because without 3 maps it wouldn't work for some reason, probably wont be used though)

Download Links: ... 0Commando/
WP7 maps ^
Non WP7 maps^

StatusQ3 wrote:
That's exactly my point. I don't need to know you personally in order to vote yes or no; indeed I don't know most applicants personally.

Last edited by RiO on Sun Aug 26, 2012 2:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Maps
PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:33 am 

Joined: Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:53 pm
Posts: 182
Great additions. It'll definitely help out with matches. I'll be sure to download them as soon as possible. Thanks for posting.

What once was the future, is now the past. - Eat This

 Post subject: Re: Maps
PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:00 pm 

Joined: Mon May 30, 2011 4:38 pm
Posts: 119
Not sure if anyone else has had this problem, but after downloading the warpack maps I was unable to use the esc menu in-game. Couldn't figure out how to fix it, and ended up having to re-install repcom (as well as mod maps, admin menu, ect) in order to fix it.

Just a heads up.

 Post subject: Re: Maps
PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:06 pm 

Joined: Thu Oct 02, 2008 1:42 am
Posts: 889
VAsH wrote:

ESC-key (main menu) stops working for users with installed admin patch (Skip v1.4): please download this NCC and replace the one in your GameData/Properties folder.

H€LLØ™ wrote:
I feel the need to point out a few things:
2. 007 is the best active player, that's part of why they win.

 Post subject: Re: Maps
PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:11 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:25 am
Posts: 184 ... 0Commando/
new dl link thanks to pengu. He fixed the problem for those who might be too dumb to manually change the admin patch xD

•»IG»°Lebrocus: yo do u have any idea
•»IG»°Lebrocus: why wp7
•»IG»°Lebrocus: would cause a problem with ppl's repcom
•»IG»°Lebrocus: were their esc key
•»IG»°Lebrocus: wouldnt work
]-TX-[•Pengi¢us.™{DivCom}: yes
]-TX-[•Pengi¢us.™{DivCom}: there is a bad ncc included
]-TX-[•Pengi¢us.™{DivCom}: you have to reinstall original admin patch 1.4 ncc
]-TX-[•Pengi¢us.™{DivCom}: • ESC-key (main menu) stops working for users with installed admin patch (Skip v1.4): please download this NCC and replace the one in your GameData/Properties folder.
]-TX-[•Pengi¢us.™{DivCom}: ... V1_4/ncc.u
•»IG»°Lebrocus: hmm
•»IG»°Lebrocus: i see
•»IG»°Lebrocus: thank you cuz americans got pissed at me
•»IG»°Lebrocus: cuz i finally got them all to get it
•»IG»°Lebrocus: and they r all pissed
•»IG»°Lebrocus: now
•»IG»°Lebrocus: xD
]-TX-[•Pengi¢us.™{DivCom}: xD

thats how to fix, for anyone who had that problem. Sorry. Please do as that says and you will be fine.

StatusQ3 wrote:
That's exactly my point. I don't need to know you personally in order to vote yes or no; indeed I don't know most applicants personally.

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